FAQ - Frequently asked Questions

FAQ Vermittlung von Privatschülern

1. Muss ich die Aufnahmekriterien wirklich erfüllen?
Ja, da wir nur Lehrer in die Kartei aufnehmen, bei denen die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Vermittlung relativ hoch ist. Wir können anhand der Fächerkombination und des Bezirkes ermitteln, wie hoch der aktuelle Bedarf ist. Schließlich wollen Sie und Intellego nicht, dass Sie nur eine Karteileiche werden. Unterrichts- bzw. Nachhilfeerfahrung sind unbedingt erforderlich.

2. Wie funktioniert das Aufnahmeverfahren bei Ihnen?
Siehe hierzu Bewerbung von neuen Lehrkräften.

FAQ Early English in schools and kindergartens

1. Do you assist with the required paperwork (i.e., work VISAs, etc.) or do you prefer that we arrive 'ready to work'?
Generally speaking we prefer working with individuals who are already residing in Berlin. Once we have interviewed you and are interested in working with you, we are happy to give you a letter for the eg "Ausländerbehörde".

2. How long must I be in Berlin for?
The minimum is one year, preferably longer. When you want to work for Intellogo, you must sign a contract committing you to teach for at least a full (usually academic) year.

3. Must I speak German in order to work for Intellego?
Yes. Your German needs to be level B at least.

4.How big is our school and your team of teachers?
Presently (2011-03) a team of 20 Early English teachers from various English-speaking countries work for us, teaching more than 1000 children in more than 60 kitas and schools.

5. What classes are available and when would they be starting?
It depends on the time of your application and also on your experience. We normally have a fair amount of (regular) classes to offer after the summer holidays, roughly in mid-August. It would then be good to apply no later than June in order to be able to do the training phase prior to the holidays. Ideally, classes will be allocated before the summer holidays once we know how many teachers are going to leave us. Sometimes classes in new schools/ kitas start during the academic year, but that's rather the exception than the rule. If you apply during the academic year, there's always the possibility that we need substitution teachers, though.

6. What would be the working hours?
School lessons normally take place between 1 and 4pm (1-3 classes), kita lessons can take place both in the mornings and afternoons, ie any time between 9am and 4:30 pm.

7. What rates of pay do you offer?
The basic rate is 14€ for a 45min class with 7 kids
(effective 2011-03) plus a travel allowance. We pay 2 different bonuses on top - one for groups bigger than 7 children (which is quite often the case) and one for good educational and organisational work (hourly increase). You get details in the application interview.

8. How many hours would be on offer per week?
It does depend on the previous experience, but as a new teacher, at the beginning of the academic year, you could expect 5-10 classes to start with. This could go up to 15 weekly lessons, rarely more. But there's no guarantee. On the other hand - when you have started with classes and they work well they take place very regularly and long - term.

9. Will there be summer classes as well?
So far we don't offer any summer classes.

10. How much travelling is involved?
That depends on the place where the school/ kita is and where you live. You can decide how much time you want to spend maximum for travelling. That should be not less than 30min.

11. Do I get re-imbursed for the travelling?
Yes. The minimum is 4,60€ per school/ kita if you teach 2 lessons after eachother and more. If you only teach one lesson, you receive 6€. If the travelling takes more than 45mins one way, a higher rate can be negotiated.

12. Do the contracts include any benefits or medical insurance?
No. You need to get a tax number and insurance policy yourself.





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